miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

EUCO 2011 Dortmund. Apertura Inscripción

Hola a todos!

Os remito la última info recibida del Comité Organizador de la EUCO.

He resaltado en rojo los datos importantes de la info para vuestra rápida consulta.

Un saludo,

       Javier Roldan

De: EuCo 2011 HOC (info@euco2011.de)

Enviado: miércoles, 01 de diciembre de 2010 0:05:35

Dear friends,

The EuCo 2011 Organising Committee has been spending the last few months organising a EuCo full of learning, helping and feasting. Now, as the programme is finalised, we are just waiting for you.

Rotaract District 1900, Germany, is excited to be hosting the 13th Rotaract European Convention 2011 from 8th to 12th June 2011 in Dortmund offering you:

- An amazing opening ceremony in the world’s best football stadium

- Various activities including city tours, exhibitions, company visits, museums, bicycle tours, shopping and, of course, breweries – Dortmund is Europe’s famous beer city!

- A pub crawl with the opportunity to experience the best of German beers and company – starting and ending at a central common location

- The EuCo Conference in the trade fair centre ‘Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund’ – just across the street from the Pullman Hotel

- A fantastic party under the sun shade ‘Sonnensegel’ within the beautiful park ‘Westfalenpark’ – open-air but weatherproof!

- The EuCo Workshops in the Pullman Hotel

- The EuCo gala dinner and ball with an amazing live band – just across the street from the Pullman Hotel

With only 202 days to go until EuCo 2011 in Dortmund, Germany, we are delighted to inform you that the website www.euco2011.de will go live on Sunday 5th December 2010 at 6pm (CET).
Registration will be open from Wednesday 8th December 2010, at 6pm (CET).

The EuCo 2011 Organising Committee is very much looking forward to many registrations and is excited about hosting in the fabulous city of Dortmund!
Yours in Rotaract,

EuCo 2011 Organising Committee

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