Desde UK, nos mandan una actividad divertida en la que todos los clubes españoles podemos participar.

Dear Friends,
My name is Boris Beefeater and for the past couple of months I have been living in Maidenhead, which is in England.
I was brought to Maidenhead by the Rotaract Club of Maidenhead, District 1090, and
have been enjoying the local sights. So far I have been out for a Chinese meal, have been on a weekend away to Wales, helped raise funds for local charities and have been to many other places with my Maidenhead Rotaract friends.
However, I feel I am now ready to move on and see more of the world, especially Europe. I would like to learn about your country/culture and all the different things you do together in you Rotaract Club. I would stay with your club for a few weeks before you kindly send me onto my next destination. It would be great if you could get some photos of me during my stay and send them to so they can go onto my Facebook page.
You can find me on Facebook under the name of Boris Beefeater. Any questions just ask!!
If you would like to participate in entertaining me then this is what you need to do:
• Email me at with a name and an address of where I need be sent
• An itinerary will then be made and sent to you
• The Rotaract Club of Maidenhead will email you when I am expected to arrive and you can follow where I am on Facebook
• When you receive me I will be staying for a couple of weeks. It would be great if you could take me out with you to fun places or places which mean something to you and your club. As well as taking photos of me and writing a brief description of what I have been up to on my stay.
• Then you need to send me onto my next destination. You will put me back into my box with any souvenirs you wish me to take and the brief description of what I have been up to. My Rotaract Club will let you know what address to ship me to. Then you can email any photos to my email address.
• Your club will be responsible for any shipping charges, or fees required to send me to my next destination. Once you have sent me just let the Rotaract Club of Maidenhead know so they can keep a track on where I am in the world!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Rotaract Club Maidenhead
We meet the 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 8pm at The Rose Public House, King Street, Maidenhead
Registered UK Charity: 1051746
Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland Club of the Year 2009
Sponsored by the Rotary
Club of Maidenhead